Every day you hear of some stupendous amount being paid at auction for what is apparently a collectible. The mad dash from avid collectors to get their hands on it drives the price to stratospheric levels.
Therefore I have compiled a list of items I too am in possession of that I would like to post publicly via this blog to attract the attention of the collective crowds.
Please respond directly in the comments section if your medulla decides to exhibit interest in the below-
- My breath when my rental car reached a max cruising speed of 130 miles per hour on my very first rental in America. This breath was captured in the cool hills of Hawaii and has been in my possession ever since. It is aged over 20 years so the vintage alone could fetch a premium.
- A black shoe lace made in India and never used. It was designed for the left shoe but one with some ingenuity could possibly use on either shoe. It also retains the manufacturer label on it.
- Well pressed hand kerchiefs. Some readers may need to open a lexicon to check out what a kerchief is. Hint - it is not a title nor a mischievous gnome. It is an accouterment from an era gone by. When used correctly it was spotted amidst the hands of the citizenry of a hot landscape like India.
- Ball point pen refill. Not the pen itself but the refillable plastic tube that contained the ink and the ball at one end that did the business (of writing or stabbing or whatever the operator chose to do with said ball).
- Cobwebs found in Peru. These are not just any cobwebs. These were the webbing on a variety of Andean corn on the cob that we ripped apart before consuming said corn on a journey to an Incan hill.
Once again I would like to stress that these are one of a kind collectibles and only serious (ly deranged) folks need apply.
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