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Showing posts from April, 2020

Ready for takeoff

Looks like the equities market already did it.  Full backstop from the Fed - nothing is off the table. Coddle coddle coddle. Everyone's a winner.  America continues to stick to the story line. But I am talking about the future of air travel. At the gate.  Line up six feet apart. Airlines will only board people with the clothes they are wearing.  No bags of any size and kind.  Period.  Forget laptops and purses.  And your disgusting phones.  Quickest boarding ever. Johnny listen to the safety announcement.. Please sit.  Strap up.  Shut up.  Masks will drop from overhead which you immediately strap on your ugly face. Do not help others.  If they cannot put their mask on we are going to eject them. We will pump antivirals and extra oxygen (more for those in business class) throughout the duration of the flight. Oh and one more thing ... this plane has NO restrooms.  So figure it out.  Piss before y...

Private Parts

Today we are faced with a dilemma. To those that think it is a dilemma. Every time a person stands for high office he or she gets scrutinized.  Most times than not the lead contender gets slapped with the most basic and yet poignant accusation.  He or she groped me.  Reached into my privates and violated me.  Mostly it is a man doing the groping.  Of a female. Biden is up for nomination of the Democrats.  He is also facing this ultimate test. Trump for his part was caught on a hot mike discussing explicit behavior he would recommend when in the company of the opposite sex. We all know about Clinton and Kennedy and many many more in all the spheres of influence. But amidst all this Me Too coverage I find something more fundamental not being discussed.  Is America's moral compass completely and utterly broke?  Can it even be repaired?  Is THIS OUR NEW NORMAL? At this point if this is the best we got are we really the Best Place T...

Kim Jung Un-dead

Apple has just announced its next hoopla filled event - albeit this to take place virtually. Fast forward to the day of the event - Tim Cook comes out.  Live blogging continues as the geeky reporters start explaining the details of Cook's BMI and trouser colors. Soon other chiefs of divisions inside the fruit company come out talking about newer keyboards (which actually are decade old design but most in the audience and especially the brain dead user community have forgotten about). So everyone cheers for the new keyboards. Towards the end - the 'one more thing' slide goes up... and out walks Kim.  The 1 and only Un. Another slide shows up -  The reports of my death  are  greatly exaggerated This Mark Twain quote once attributed to the late Steve Jobs now graces the screen again and Kim Un-veils the newest iphone. This one also works in North Korea!  Because Cook pulled all manufacturing out of China and took it south.  To the North Ko...

I said so

In hindsight of course of the epiphanies I had back when. Silicon Valley has a lot of me too culture.  No one should work from home.  We need to tear down the walls (of the cubicles that is).  These are some of the (moronic) dictats of not too long ago. These were fueled by greedy capitalist leaders who were either lacking in their own mental capacity to do original thinking or were being sycophantic to an extent because a then so and so tech leader said so and they had the FOMO. Both to me then sounded silly if not outrageous.   Some leaders and managers decided having people work remote was a recipe for disaster since you might lose productivity and still spend on that resource.  Well - if you cannot trust your employee to make a rational decision, then shame on you.  Get rid of these employees or better yet get rid of yourself since you cannot run a (for profit) business on mistrust. Same with the walls.  While Dilbertian comedy is som...

Casino Royale

The readers know that I like watching videos on DVD. I am not a streamer.  Never found the need for it.  Call me an old fogey; ok boomer; or any other insipid names but that is no matter. I watch what I own.  That too is a perhaps tad parsimonious, perhaps uninspired choice on my part...but if I like to rewatch what I own then hey - what say you? So with that I pushed in my HD DVD of the first incarnation of Daniel Craig as 007 in the DVD player and enjoyed two and half hours of fantastical action interspersed with witty dialog. 'Casino Royale' has been remade with Craig playing a revised script.  As we face the Covid madness and its impact on our planet and the various trajectories the global leaders are taking their respective citizenry I am struck with some of the parallels with this movie. No one has the right answer.  Some are smarter at addressing the challenge with imperfect information and some are worse.   The Americans clearly are ...

Just bleach it

Michael Jackson would even turn in his grave.  His 'Beat it' single sealed its Thriller album as an all time great selling the most copies. On national TV, our POTUS recently suggested that scientists consider investigating the use of ingestible bleach as an option to get rid of the Covid virus. Now that would be a Thriller to beat all previous Thrillers. Can you imagine the Food Network launching a series of Bleach only recipes? Vegan and pescatarians - get lost.  Just Bleach it. Kids slurping Chef Bleachardi from a can. There was Atkins, then Keto, for some it was Paleo.  But with a new age has come the newest of it all..the Stark diet... just add Bleach. No disease ever, No Covid for sure.  Just Bleach It.... and fade... PS: remember - we are all in this (bleach blender babelon) together... ROFL

First world problems I am living with

Dang. Here I thought life was going well.  SMH. I find myself having to deal with the below inconveniences ever since a virus no one had heard of or felt took over the airwaves.  Cooped up too long for the most part here then is my Inside Edition - Long and I mean a mile long lines to get into Costco (the warehouse superstore where 70" flat screen TVs greeted visitors with HD pictures of exotic oceanbeds and pristine alpine valleys).   No more free movies.  Now caution tape and multitude of greeters direct traffic like a communist control state to what meager supplies there might be. Most germ killing items like lysol sprays and alcohol based sanitizers are out of stock.  Any paper product to wipe any surface from table top to butt holes are also out.  What is a germaphobe to do? All goofy TV personalities are now broadcasting from home with ties on or gasping for breath and ratings and I cannot tell if they have pants on.  What a...

This republic of suffering

My blogs tend not to be political.  Not to be favoring a particular demographic or national identity. Some readers might find this particular write up or perhaps some others for that matter not adhering to this ground rule.  As many readers  might be quick to note 'yours truly' does not care what or if you think.  LOL. But here I would go on a limb and state that the current government has botched this once in a lifetime opportunity to tackle the calamity, to pivot and be proactive and to lead by example. America is completely NOT what it could be.   The POTUS with his Narcissistic personality disorder (if I were to use a euphemism) has turned this great land of opportunity into the world's laughing stock. India with its deplorable record on many facets of daily life and with a threadbare but more effective healthcare apparatus is also taking indirect jabs at pointing out how screwed up America got in face of this horrible pandemic. I ...

Who got Covid?

My logic defies anything written in mainstream media. Hence my blog constitutes alternate thinking. I believe that the entire planet at this point is infected.  Some survived, some did not and some are somewhere in the middle. This whole running around and rules and financial shenanigans are merely theatrical.  Who knows what the agenda is. As to who is not infected? Six people on the international space station - boy what a vacation that is.  When they found out they might have applied for an indefinite extension to stick around upstairs. 79 hardcore amish folk - they actually do not know what covid is. 1,566 sailors on various nuclear submarines.  These belong to several countries who spent money on submerged tubes swimming in deep waters to patrol other subs floating in deep waters.  Duh!  BTW their sailors are equally clueless about the pandemic.  I suspect when they get their telegram about surfacing they may all choose to sail in...

Six feet of separation

Before there was the idea of six degrees of separation. Six  degrees of separation  is the idea that all people are six, or fewer, social connections away from each other. Also known as the 6 Handshakes rule. As a result, a chain of "a friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps. Now we are looking at ZERO handshaking (unless you have some other ailments that causes it to shake involuntarily) and lot of head shaking. What have we come to? In places where people density is off the chart  - think India or Hong Kong or Mexico City - or even NY - potentially people might find seats to sit in what used to be crowded commuter trains.  Cannot exactly rush and pile on into the train while staying six feet apart. Perhaps offices will all stay open 24 hours since people will keep coming to work six feet apart - to get everyone filled in their seats might take a good part of the morning.  Add to that the constan...

Life, Liberty and Covid?

LOL. SMH. ROFL. ETC. The western ideas of pursuing something intangible has been packaged and sold the world over.  Not unlike some religion trying to sell its ideology to gain access to virgins or whatever suits your lifestyle. The very idea of happiness and its pursuit came to a grinding halt with Covid. It seems within weeks the pursuer became the pursued. With the pandemic the stark statistics of where the bug spread shows lazier, poorer nations getting ahead of the curve or parabola or whatever shape we are calling it.  These guys knew they had a crappy healthcare apparatus and could never cope so they just told their junta to take an extended break - not alike what they are used to except now on steroids... HOLIDAY!  More tea please. Compare and contrast to the western or what are mostly thought of as advanced and richer nations - it showed their economies faltered.  Underlying thesis for that was pure hubris. A simple misplaced belief that we hav...

what letter is my recovery

The retards on wall street who think no end of themselves and love pontificating about the economy and its impacts have a new show in town. Predicting the shape of its recovery following the perceived dissipation of Covid pandemic. Some like to think V. Some are talking about a bathtub U. Some think its W. Yet some think an L. Some didn’t go to school to learn the alphabet but are foaming at their mouth regardless. But in the end it boils down to people understanding that they cannot spend more than they make. Borrowing like it’s the last pack of toilet paper rolls is not the way to clean your shit. US government had to jump in with massive stimulus because the economic activity was vapor to begin with pumped by borrowed capital and indebted public. Providing more alcohol to the drunk is not a way out rather a longer stint in rehab.

I see dead people

Famous phrase that made 'The Sixth Sense' a hit movie 20 years ago. I was reminded of that after I started seeing things myself. Due to the covid no less. Below are some examples of what I see .... Distant mountain peaks hitherto hidden behind smog People walking at all odd hours, of all walks of life, of all ages and ethnicities  Open roads Long lines at stores to buy essentials People walking with masks on More birds in the trees (that could be me just hallucinating)  Media repeating itself each night (actually that seems to be in line with what most networks do - just that now every third word is Covid) People Zooming (more in cyberspace than in their cars)  Acts of kindness More art (glue and glitter to chalk and paint with the cars, roads and driveways as canvas) Price gouging More Amazon delivery trucks Myself writing more (if you call this writing)!

Around the world in 20 years

There is a lot of ground to cover if one wanted to visit all the 190 plus officially recognized countries in our world. A lot of them have even more water to cover to get to them. But the family all aligned on the merits of burning fossil fuels to appreciate other cultures embarked on few voyages in the past two decades and came back with lots of pictures and memories to last this lifetime. Below are glimpses from the five of seven continents we touched down no particular order.. and merely arranged based on the laziness of finding these gems by yours truly Above pic is of my breakfast in Pune, India High calorific content amidst a humid and noisy ambience not captured in the picture the rice lentil crepe is a crispy delight. Above vista is a ski slope near the Tahoe basin of the Sierra Nevada range in winter in Northern California. Bull. No really ... it is a big deal in India.  It is what Shiva the destructor of this universe rode on.. as myths go i...

Questions that vex

With covid in the air there is nothing for my thumbs to do other than twiddle.  The other digits meantime find a keyboard intoxicating. The mind when not intoxicated with spirits is a devil's workshop too so a deadly combination in all...pondering what could be and should be.. Que Pero Que... Thus the drivel that follows.. Will bank robbers now be deemed good samaritans for wearing a mask? Speaking of these good samaritans I still haven't found the bad ones.  Or the neutral ones.  What gives?   Also to get too technical, the region of Samaria from which these dudes supposedly hail is nowhere to be found on google maps.  Huh! If any dude does happen to get shot during the masked robbery the media immediately labels them as innocent bystanders.  How come?  Did they interview the injured and ask about their motivation?  Were they truly innocent?  Were they trying to see how they could bone someone after their business at the ban...

Predictions 2020

I am making bold predictions in 2020.  Not hindsight but foresight.  So enjoy and profit from these. Before you discard these gems below remember that many a nincompoop in the media has been making money by commenting and opining with headlines more bizarre than mine. Stock market will continue to gyrate in the foreseeable future. Earth will experience several earthquakes of magnitude four or higher in four or more years. Anyone infected with Covid is more or less contagious for several days. Person infected with Covid can be asymptomatic and still infect other people at times more easily than them catching another virus from another. Every prediction has a small chance of success. There is a high likelihood that people will get sick and die in the next 24 hours. If only people stopped breathing we could have avoided this whole Covid mess. America is headed for an election year where both likely nominees are going to need a respirator or a pacemaker or both. I...

Johnson got oxygen

The headlines following the Covid attack have been hilarious if you have that bent and are tired of looking at dashboards showing dead people counts. Johnson was admitted with coronavirus to Thomas Hospital - now why you would have him admitted with the deadliest pathogen hanging around is beyond me.. Johnson got oxygen - did they validate that he did not steal from the poor who are gasping for air? Johnson is off the vent- oh boy - for a British PM who Brexited looks like he was admonished to get off the vent.  Why was he hanging around vents is an odd question that needs someone from MI6 to check. Naval ship only 2% full - America sent two navy hospital ships to take the load off the on the ground hospitals but ended up with 2% occupancy.   Why?  No loyalty program?  Have Mercy. Newsom reminds people to take care of their mental and physical health - what is the point of this headline?  Are people losing it?  I know they lost lot of ...

Covid confusion

A new world.  Different than what we woke up to on 1/1/20. Globally people are sick, confused, anxious, angry, sarcastic, humbled, charitable, pessimistic and optimistic all at the same time. No different in that sense from what we woke up to on 1/1/20, just that the ratio of sick to healthy and pessimist to optimist is increasing rapidly. What makes it even more frustrating is that the enemy is invisible.  There is no amount of nuclear firepower or smart guided bombs that can solve this crisis.  In fact the opposite.  Money spent arming the arsenals for a perceived armageddon is now in short supply as it might have been used to make and distribute face masks. Instead of all the pundits advocating and using 1 billion dollars for 3 fighter jets to secretly blow up an enemy bunker we could have made a billion masks for a buck apiece.  Ah the human fallacy.  Where do we hide our face now?  No masks after all. Could might not be right after all?...