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Life, Liberty and Covid?


The western ideas of pursuing something intangible has been packaged and sold the world over.  Not unlike some religion trying to sell its ideology to gain access to virgins or whatever suits your lifestyle.

The very idea of happiness and its pursuit came to a grinding halt with Covid.

It seems within weeks the pursuer became the pursued.

With the pandemic the stark statistics of where the bug spread shows lazier, poorer nations getting ahead of the curve or parabola or whatever shape we are calling it.  These guys knew they had a crappy healthcare apparatus and could never cope so they just told their junta to take an extended break - not alike what they are used to except now on steroids... HOLIDAY!  More tea please.

Compare and contrast to the western or what are mostly thought of as advanced and richer nations - it showed their economies faltered.  Underlying thesis for that was pure hubris. A simple misplaced belief that we have the best health care and medicine in the world and we are invincible.  Combine with some disastrous leadership (read lack thereof) and you got a simmering cauldron to take you back to the beginning of time.

Some among these powerful nations albeit much smaller island nations jumped on it and came out ahead (admittedly with smaller populations to deal with) with accurate and abundant testing for the populations.  Isolating and dealing with the critical and containing the vectors where needed.

Not out of the woods but they know the size of the woods.

With America and Western Europe the arrogance cost them.  First it was a game of hide and wish it goes away.  From ritzy Austrian chalets to NY monied enclaves there was What Me?  NIMBY going on.

Turns out these were among others massive ground zero spots for the virus to take hold and spread.

Sorry to see this loss of life that came with it and the burden on the fragile system (note fragile not robust as some would have you believe before the hit).  The natural knee jerk reaction was to bail out everyone by the Federal Reserve.  No other ideas come to mind - lets print money.

At a local level people started adapting.  Lacking federal leadership states decided what to close when.  City level policies came after and localities jumped on a chance to show off their ideas.

One such idiotic suggestion - how people should walk in the park near my house.  Let us all go in clockwise fashion suggested a wise one.  It will avoid cross traffic and chance to get infected.

Right - what next?  An America that now walks six feet apart bending, flattening, twisting all the time in clockwise fashion, flies east to west only and pursues happiness through Zoom videos and pops (more) pills to feel relaxed without being able to visit grand vistas in person?


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