The headlines following the Covid attack have been hilarious if you have that bent and are tired of looking at dashboards showing dead people counts.
- Johnson was admitted with coronavirus to Thomas Hospital - now why you would have him admitted with the deadliest pathogen hanging around is beyond me..
- Johnson got oxygen - did they validate that he did not steal from the poor who are gasping for air?
- Johnson is off the vent- oh boy - for a British PM who Brexited looks like he was admonished to get off the vent. Why was he hanging around vents is an odd question that needs someone from MI6 to check.
- Naval ship only 2% full - America sent two navy hospital ships to take the load off the on the ground hospitals but ended up with 2% occupancy. Why? No loyalty program? Have Mercy.
- Newsom reminds people to take care of their mental and physical health - what is the point of this headline? Are people losing it? I know they lost lot of money. And should they drop everything they are doing - like babysitting or cooking and focus on this latest reminder? When would be a good time to action on this reminder? When you are stuck with no nickels to rub together how does he want someone to take care of their mental health?
- Homeless to be housed in hotels because they feel they are in a camp in Moscone - really? What about when we attend all those conferences in Moscone?
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