Normal. Sounds innocuous enough. What is it?
I know it is a name of a town in rural Illinois state. In the midwest. In America.
Not that state.
A sense of being. Many pundits have been pontificating on this so called state and America's return to it.
First it was the Y2K frenzy.
Then a decade later it was the financial tsunami of 2008-09. And the world was upside down.
A decade later it is the pandemic.
Who defines normal defies logic.
Life is a continuum with good days and not so good days and trying to pigeon hole a point in time is meaningless.
I read this morning's paper and saw a couple of headlines about shootings in malls in America. Two different coasts but same MO. Some nut going ballistic.
I thought to myself. Could this be what these fools are rambling about a return to normal? After all American news was always littered with someone unloading ammo on strangers at least once a week and that type of coverage took backseat to all the viral loads. Now that story of some shooter is making headlines again. Hey did we conquer that virus?
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