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Food Health and Shelter

And maybe transportation. Those are the core industries where mankind needs to spend time improvising and gaining efficiencies. Do that diligently and we as a species have a long shot at surviving any talk of doomsday or other apocalyptic prophecies. I guess I would add good teachers to teach (about food, health and shelter) the next generation as another one. I got thinking when I saw that there are entire corporations (global multinationals et al) that have made a fortune dishing out the most insane concepts. Example is a talking sponge (shaped like a square) that has been the livelihood of thousands of people that work for this enterprise and the value chain that delivers the drivel into homes. Not to mention that associated paraphernalia that goes with the collateral marketing in the form of shirts, pants, hats, cups, mugs and other accouterments - too many to name here. I mean it is appalling to think that since the dawn of human civilization we have discovered new ways to entertain ourselves that have absolutely nothing to do with survival but everything to do with how to systematically get involved in meaningless pursuits. Sports is another such franchise. The amounts of time and money and energy people put into developing, creating, nurturing and broadcasting this insane activity is a testament to the insane numbers of people that subscribe, watch, visit these events. I mean think about it -why would you race very fast in a very fast car (with a very large engine) when the world is crying out loud about global warming (which itself is a distraction but more about it some other time). Why would you get invovlved in retarded sports that tend to have the ability to destroy a perfectly working human (at least physically - their mental state is arguable) when there is a shortage of medical professionals? Especially when these same professionals could work toward curing other ailments for the unfortunate few that they inherited due to poor quality drinking water and not because they fell off a pommel horse? And what the heck is a pommel anyway? Why would people use perfectly good gallons of milk to wash a Ganpati and other stone statues when there are millions who have not seen a meal for months? Why would you invent credit default swaps? Why would you pretend to make lots of money out of no money? Why would you invent money in the first place? Now an airline has figured out that people are insane anyway and take way too many things on board with them so they will begin to charge a $100 fee per bag that comes on board with them. I suppose this will keep some from making those unwanted trips and prevent Hawaii from sinking due to rising oceans?


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