It's all ones and zeroes these days. Your entire existence is captured in bits and bytes which ultimately are electrons in a computer. Represented as one and zero. From your very existence in the form of a unique ID, issued by the state you are in (intoxicated truants get their own id) to your bank account balances and stock holdings or a company's balance sheet to a government's budget are simply random electrons forcibly organized to represent something of value. If the power goes out one day (that is a strange expression - where does it go out to?) these weird charges go crazy and all could be lost. Big Zero.
Similarly in real life you are either a Zero or hero. As in some One. Up and on the go or Down and out. Binary - nothing more nothing less.
People are always trying to take themselves seriously and are in an eternal quest for oneupmanship. South Koreans recently decided to build the world's tallest invisible skyscraper. If that is not a new twist on emperor without clothes not sure what is. Jokes aside one must hand it to them for being a miniscule island nation yet trying to scare the pants of their whacko northern cousin.
Be One not Zero. Get the gold not the bronze.
I for One have reconciled with myself amicably and come to terms (which for sake of privacy shall remain undisclosed) that I can make my own space between the zero and the one - that's the Point.
Similarly in real life you are either a Zero or hero. As in some One. Up and on the go or Down and out. Binary - nothing more nothing less.
People are always trying to take themselves seriously and are in an eternal quest for oneupmanship. South Koreans recently decided to build the world's tallest invisible skyscraper. If that is not a new twist on emperor without clothes not sure what is. Jokes aside one must hand it to them for being a miniscule island nation yet trying to scare the pants of their whacko northern cousin.
Be One not Zero. Get the gold not the bronze.
I for One have reconciled with myself amicably and come to terms (which for sake of privacy shall remain undisclosed) that I can make my own space between the zero and the one - that's the Point.
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