I like many others abhors the visit to the dentist. I mean its really something you rather not have to do unless you absolutely must. In America people do visit their dental practitioner (that term is scary in itself) for regular checkups and cleaning which was news to me.
I hope practice makes perfect (but its never mentioned in the brochure how long they need to practice).
Its like we don't think you have the aptitude or skill to brush very well so we would like to use our fancy tools to poke you and rinse you. Total damage - few hundred quid. That should make you tingle if the effervescent fluids don't.
On one such service call I found that I had a gummy problem. An existing infrastructure project that had required a canal to be dug in my roots (we are talking teeth here) had somehow malfunctioned. That led to some and such and net net my gums (now is it singular or plural?) had an ache. Its like 'wear your pants' I think - you never ask someone to wear a pant although it is a pant and not pants they are wearing. Very confusing!
Enter the dragon - I mean the dentist. With his tools of course. Need to pull that one- sorry. That was the hundred dollar verdict. So I rinsed and I spat and waited till they pulled the offending grinder. Now let this heal and you should be good as new in a month. That's how long the sore gum will take before I can go back to biting on my next pack of chewing gum.
If that is not a Gumbhir (serious) tale then don't know what is?
I hope practice makes perfect (but its never mentioned in the brochure how long they need to practice).
Its like we don't think you have the aptitude or skill to brush very well so we would like to use our fancy tools to poke you and rinse you. Total damage - few hundred quid. That should make you tingle if the effervescent fluids don't.
On one such service call I found that I had a gummy problem. An existing infrastructure project that had required a canal to be dug in my roots (we are talking teeth here) had somehow malfunctioned. That led to some and such and net net my gums (now is it singular or plural?) had an ache. Its like 'wear your pants' I think - you never ask someone to wear a pant although it is a pant and not pants they are wearing. Very confusing!
Enter the dragon - I mean the dentist. With his tools of course. Need to pull that one- sorry. That was the hundred dollar verdict. So I rinsed and I spat and waited till they pulled the offending grinder. Now let this heal and you should be good as new in a month. That's how long the sore gum will take before I can go back to biting on my next pack of chewing gum.
If that is not a Gumbhir (serious) tale then don't know what is?
The gums should not go around gumming it up like this..how gum- inducing!