Syriasly? Get it?
I mean the uproar in the American political landscape about whether we the freedom bag holders should meddle yet again is as dumb a question as whether India should host another religious festival.
Do people not have better things to focus on like paying attention to problems that are right in your own yard .. Perhaps fix the aging infrastructure ...which could apply to the US these days as much as India oddly enough.
Meddling in other people's tragedies is not a solution for anything. If it were we would have seen a utopian planet long back. Many in history have shown up at someone else's doorstep and have left with dismal results.
Frankly it is obvious that there are vested financial or political interests at work that cause people in power to do what they do. Ever thought of helping out the poor saps in Africa who brutally kill each other daily for variety of reasons primarily in search of basics like water and food? Then there are those that are massacring people in parts of the Asian sub continent for power and prestige on a daily basis. Does the US policy involve itself there? No.
This selective treatment is borne out of some weird fascination with the crude underground.
It might be ironic that an African might solve the oil problem for the US if Tesla succeeds in changing the transportation paradigm.
I mean the uproar in the American political landscape about whether we the freedom bag holders should meddle yet again is as dumb a question as whether India should host another religious festival.
Do people not have better things to focus on like paying attention to problems that are right in your own yard .. Perhaps fix the aging infrastructure ...which could apply to the US these days as much as India oddly enough.
Meddling in other people's tragedies is not a solution for anything. If it were we would have seen a utopian planet long back. Many in history have shown up at someone else's doorstep and have left with dismal results.
Frankly it is obvious that there are vested financial or political interests at work that cause people in power to do what they do. Ever thought of helping out the poor saps in Africa who brutally kill each other daily for variety of reasons primarily in search of basics like water and food? Then there are those that are massacring people in parts of the Asian sub continent for power and prestige on a daily basis. Does the US policy involve itself there? No.
This selective treatment is borne out of some weird fascination with the crude underground.
It might be ironic that an African might solve the oil problem for the US if Tesla succeeds in changing the transportation paradigm.
Whatever the evil (or even complacent)empires do, history has it that they run out of steam along the, just wait and watch.