To be prescribed to is a birth right of all Americans. It should almost be written in the consitution the way our pharma industry is going. Not to mention their lobbies et al most Americans I would suspect are overdosed on some form of prescription. I am not sure a prescription to what - mostly a state of being drugged I suspect.
To wit the nomenclature of these prescribed meds would have Mendeleev turning in his grave. I too never thought that there could be any more complex words in the dictionary than Presodymium. But alas a sign of changing times is the amount of chemical compounds that have now been created, packaged and prescribed that spans the entire gamut of A to Z.
So in honor of the prescribees here is what we are consuming these days (outside of the large cars, oversized ketchup bottles et al)..
A is for Allegra, Ambient etc...for various allergies, sleep depravation and other mind numbing issues - to me A is for Anathema
B is for good old Benadryl ...cure all for all that ails in my opinion (can sometimes be used in a pinch if out of other elixirs in the scotch department),
C is for Vitamic C (2000% of daily recommended value no less - we want to ensure that the buried do not get scurvy) or Cymbalta - not sure if this was the idea of a cruel joke from a disgruntled cymbals player who got booted from the band; or there is Cialis for the malfunctioning erections,
D is for Vitamin D (what with the sun being blocked out by all the pollution from the big cars we need a way to get that essential vitamin to our starved cells),
E is for Ephedrine - if all else fails I suspect..
you get the idea...even the drug companies themselves have decided to brand themselves to cover all pages in the phonebook - I mean what the heck is an AstraZeneca?
I like chocolates. Godiva Dark with Almonds - not sure of the naked woman on the horse to be the icon of some choice cocoa based products but tastes good. Started in Belgium but now owned by some Turks. Cadburys - Fruit and Nut Milk Bars - awesome combination of dried fruit pieces along with a medley of nuts makes your toungue dance - started by a Brit now owen by Kraft USA. Lindt Hazelnut spheres - made by a Swiss confectioner are divine balls that melt in your mouth with a lingering nutty taste Ghirardelli Milk Crisp Squares - crunchy and light these milk squares are easy on the palate but pack some serious calories - all good I say! Originally founded by an Italian who moved around till he landed in SF Bay today also owned by the Swiss Lindt empire.
There was a Hindi film in which Sanjeev Kumar played a God who descends to talk to a guy, and asks him to name all the drugs- they all end in cin- like Anacin. So he explains that it is to atone for his 'sins' that he is having to take all these 'cins'. Modern day sins have surpassed all those small sins, maybe. And are we paying for them!